
'Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self.' - Damian Conway

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VS Code Config

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VS Code Config

This is how I setup my VS Code. I mostly use it for reading/writing markdown and Go.

Note: This guide was originally made in early 2019. Some of the options and extensions have changed since then. For example, gometalinter is not supported anymore. I have not updated the guide, yet. Keep that in mind when reading this document. The vs-code-config-files/settings.json is always updated, regardless.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Install Go. I mostly code in Go these days, so that's a step.
  2. Download and install VS Code (optionally install Git when VS Code asks).
  3. Copy paste the settings.json from the Github repository (or here) to user config (shortcut ctrl + ,).
  4. Install Go extension and reload.
  5. Open any file with go extension. When prompted, select Install All. Wait until all tools are installed.
  6. Optionally install the Markdown All in One extension and reload.
  7. Now intellisense should work for Go and Markdown.


Some useful extensions.



To enable golangci-lint set the following in config:

    "go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
    // Lint all workspace, this is good for source code review
    // Other options are "off" or "package"
    "go.lintOnSave": "workspace",

Then run go get -v

Next, open up any Go file and the extension will prompt you to install tools. Select all and tools will be installed.

Go Snippets

Go extension comes with some snippets. These snippets are at:

Markdown All in One

Helps with editing markdown.

    // Generate Github compatible table of content
    "markdown.extension.toc.slugifyMode": "github",
    // Update the table of content on save
    "markdown.extension.toc.updateOnSave": true,
    // Set list indentation to inherit
    "markdown.extension.list.indentationSize": "inherit",
    // Convert toc to lowercase to work on Github and Hugo
    "markdown.extension.toc.downcaseLink": true,
    // Use '*' to indicate italic and not '_'
    "markdown.extension.italic.indicator": "*",

Table of Content

Add the initial table of content: Press ctrl+shift+p and type ctoc in the palette.

To ignore a heading and all its subheadings, add <!-- omit in toc --> at the end of the heading. This is useful for eliminating the top-level Github heading. Just be sure that the rest of your headings are not subheadings for the top one (e.g. if top heading is h1, next heading should also be h1). In this document I have ignored the top heading VS Code Config.


Linter for markdown.

You can disable specific rules in config:

    // Markdown Lint settings
    "markdownlint.config": {
        // Disable some rules
        "MD022": false,
        "MD032": false,
        "MD007": false,
        "MD010": false,


Adds Git Integration.

I have disabled some clutter:

    "gitlens.codeLens.recentChange.enabled": false,
    "gitlens.codeLens.authors.enabled": false,
    "gitlens.historyExplorer.enabled": false,

LanguageTool for Visual Studio Code

This extension enables some grammar and spelling rules.

You must also install specific language supports. E.g. English:

Code Spell Checker

Enables spell check. You can add new words to it (they will be stored in user settings file):

General Settings

Press ctrl + , to open the config file. It supports intellisense/suggestions.

Disable git

Helps with performance inside VMs where I do not need git integration.

    "git.enabled": false,
    "git.path": null,
    "git.autofetch": false,

Markdown Settings

These settings only affect markdown files. VS Code has a recent bug where some universal settings (e.g. quickSuggestions) are not automatically applied to some languages such as Markdown. These are added here.

    // Markdown language settings
    "[markdown]": {
        // Enable word based suggestions
        "editor.wordBasedSuggestions": true,
        // Disable drag and drop in markdown files
        "editor.dragAndDrop": false,
        // Enable quick suggestions
        "editor.quickSuggestions": true,
        // Send snippets to top in suggestion list
        "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",

Word Separator Note

Unlike Sublime, VS Code counts - as word separator. In VS Code this is called word pattern. This means you will not get suggestions for this-long-word. The editor.wordSeparators config setting does not have any effect on word patterns:

    // "editor.wordSeparators" does not affect word pattern :(
    // Note I have removed -
    // "editor.wordSeparators": "`~!@#$%^&*()=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?",

Creating Snippets

Similar to other editors, you can create snippets in VS Code. Snippets are stored in JSON files. To create a snippet for a specific language use File (menu) > Preferences > Configure User Snippets. Then select the language. In this case, I will create some Markdown snippets, so I will select markdown.json.

The JSON object is easy to read. The important parts are prefix (which is the trigger) and body. Note that you do not need to enter new lines with \n. Simply create a new cell in the body array and it will be printed in a new line. The following snippet will create a codefence.

	"codefence": {
		"prefix": "ffe",
		"body": [
			"``` ${1:language}",
		"description": "Markdown codefence"

${1:language} means:

  • It's the first place where your cursor is after the snippet is activated.
  • The default text is language.

After pressing tab, cursor will go to $2 and so on. After running out of placeholders, final tab will land at $0 which is useful for leaving the snippet without having to manually placing the cursor.

As another example, I have created two snippets for my Hugo shortcodes:

    "codecaption": {
		"prefix": "codecap",
		"body": [
            // comment is a placeholder to prevent Hugo from generating the shortcode.
			"{{< codecaption title=\"${1:title}\" lang=\"${2:language}\" >}}",
			"{{< /codecaption >}}",
			"", // empty line after shortcode
		"description": "codecaption Hugo shortcode"
	"imgcap": {
		"prefix": "imgcap",
		"body": [
            // comment is a placeholder to prevent Hugo from generating the shortcode.
			"{{< imgcap title=\"${1:title}\" src=\"${2:filename}.png\" >}}",
            "", // empty line after shortcode
		"description": "image caption Hugo shortcode"