
'Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self.' - Damian Conway

2 minute read - Development

VS Code Extension Development Notes

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Four types of storage (ExtensionContext is passed to the activate method as context):

  • ExtensionContext.workspaceState: A workspace storage where you can write key/value pairs. VS Code manages the storage and will restore it when the same workspace is opened again.
  • ExtensionContext.globalState: A global storage where you can write key/value pairs. VS Code manages the storage and will restore it for each extension activation. You can selectively synchronize key/value pairs in global storage by setting the keys for sync using setKeysForSync method on globalState.
  • ExtensionContext.storageUri: A workspace specific storage URI pointing to a local directory where your extension has read/write access. This is a good option if you need to store large files that are accessible only from the current workspace.
  • ExtensionContext.globalStorageUri: A global storage URI pointing to a local directory where your extension has read/write access. This is a good option if you need to store large files that are accessible from all workspaces.


Example code:

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
    // The following usually happens in a registerCommand.

    // If the key does not exist in the storage, it will return `undefined`.
    let configPath: vscode.Uri | undefined =
    // Check if the value exists or if it's undefined.
    if (configPath === undefined) {
        // We don't have this path so we assume we're starting from scratch.
        // Get a path from globalStorageUri.
        // This will return a Uri.
        configPath = context.globalStorageUri;
        // The parent directory exists, but the child directory must be created.
        // e.g., /home/parsia/.vscode-server/data/User/globalStorage/undefined_publisher.borrowed-time
        vscode.workspace.fs.createDirectory(configPath).then(() => {
            console.log("Created the global storage path: " + configPath);
            // Store this path in `config_path`.
            context.globalState.update("config_path", configPath);

            // Store the default config in the config path.

    // If we want to delete the key/value pair from globalState or workspaceState,
    // we must replace its value with `undefined`.
    context.globalState.update("config_path", undefined);

Validate the Input from an InputBox

The validateInput callback does it. In this example, we're checking if the input is empty. If they press enter when it's empty, the Please enter a ... message will be shown in red under the input box and they cannot continue. The user can always use escape to cancel the flow.

let newProject = vscode.commands.registerCommand(
    async () => {
        // Get project name from the user.
        const projectName = await vscode.window.showInputBox({
        placeHolder: "",
        prompt: "New Project's Name",
        // Do not let user input an empty project name.
        validateInput: (text) => {
            if (text !== "") return null;
            else {
            return "Please enter a project name";
// Do something with projectName.