
'Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self.' - Damian Conway

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Hugo Server doesn't See File Notification Events in WSL2

Github Link


The local Hugo server running in WSL2 doesn't see file updates so it doesn't rebuild the website. The files are under the Windows file system (e.g., /mnt/c/...).


Move the file to the WSL2 subsystem (e.g., ~/...).


Note: I am using this section to document my workflow and extra information for later reference.

VS Code Task

I've got a fun little setup for using Hugo in VS Code. I have set the default build task to run the local server and open a browser window. With a single ctrl+shift+b the server runs and shows the generated website. When I modify a file, the website is rebuilt and it navigates to the modified section.

This is done with this VS Code task.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "start-hugo-server",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "hugo server -v --navigateToChanged", // if the default VS Code terminal on Windows is cmd, use `wsl.exe hugo serve -vw`
            "isBackground": true    // this is a watch process that keeps running
            // opens http://localhost:1313 in the system browser to preview the site.
            "label": "open-browser-1313",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "/c start http://localhost:1313", // Windows only thing.
            "options": {
                "shell": {
                    "executable": "cmd.exe", // My VS Code's default shell is wsl so I have to change the shell to cmd.exe here.
            "label": "preview-blog",
            // runs both of these together
            "dependsOn": [
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true

There are two tasks:

  1. start-hugo-server: Runs the Hugo server in WSL. It watches for changes by default (no need to supply -w anymore) and --navigateToChanged navigates the browser to the latest file modified so I automagically see the modified section without any clicks.
  2. open-browser-1313: Opens the browser on Windows and goes to the URL that servers the local website.

I recently switched from an old Ubuntu 18 WSL 1 instance to a Debian 11 running under WSL2. The local copy of my website was under the Windows file system and when I modified the files in VS Code, the server did not see the file updates so the website was not rebuilt.

WSL 1 vs. WSL 2

WSL 1 and 2 have differences in terms of performance and implementation. See Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2.

The only thing I care about is "file system performance."

  • WSL 1 has better performance across the board.
  • WSL 2 has better performance for files in its own file system (e.g., ~/...).

The reason is mainly behind the Managed VM feature of WSL 2. When I had Ubuntu 18 on WSL 1, I could go to %LocalAppData%/packages/CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu18.04onWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc/LocalState and see the entire file system there. In other words, each Linux file was a separate file.

For my Debian 11 running on WSL 2, I go to %LocalAppData%/Packages/TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4/LocalState and I see ext4.vhdx (which is a Hyper-V virtual hard disk format). If you want to see access the files system, you can paste this in the run menu: \\wsl$\Debian.

Where Debian is the name of the distro. You can see all of them with wsl.exe -l -v. This works both on Windows and inside WSL. Make sure you're pasting the command as-is. wsl -l -v in WSL won't work, it must be wsl.exe -l -v.

What was the Solution?

I copied my entire local git directory to Debian's home. It took a while but I realized I do almost all of my development in WSL so why not take advantage of it.

On a side note, you can convert a WSL 1 distro to WSL 2 and back. It takes a few minutes mainly because files must be copied from one file system to the other.

wsl --set-version {DistroName} 2 # or 1